The title shows the engineer in me. Based on some conversations I've had with people I figured I needed to set some basic info down.
I currently am not sure if God exists. I'm not opposed to it but I have no strong reasons to believe.
I'm taking the bible as my only path to God. I'm assuming it's His Word. I'm assuming it is complete and is exactly as he would have it. I'm assuming I cannot pick and choose, and that some of it is His and some of it is not. I don't see a happy middle ground here. If He is infallible then it must be whole and completely His.
My goal here is to understand what the bible tells me. To understand it's context and value. To understand why people follow Christ.
Someone asked me, do you want to believe? Do you want to have faith? I would love to believe that there is a God that cares about me. That loves me unconditionally. I would love to believe that there is more than this physical existence I know about.
I am not doing this to provoke anyone. I'm not doing it to attack anyone. I do it from a motive of understanding and desire.
I love the engaging conversations I've had with friends and followers of Christ.
I'm going to try to come up with a list of concrete goals and questions that I'm seeking. So far this has been free form, but with all the questions I'm getting asked I think a little organization might be useful.
I have a few goals regarding this blog. I'd like to communicate my progress. I'd like a place to reflect, and be held accountable by others regarding my progress. I'd like a forum where people can challenge me and show me things I may be missing. I can't do this alone. I know there are many people who have experience and knowledge I lack. And finally, perhaps someone else who has the same questions will read and find value here.
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